Behaviour for Learning

Please follow the link below to the Policies page of our website to read relevant policies (Behaviour for Learning policy; Anti-Bullying policy; Searching, Screening & Confiscation policy; and Drugs policy).

Our School Policies

Dress Code

We are proud of our uniform at The Priory School and students are required to conform to a high standard of dress. By joining The Priory School you accept our definition of what is appropriate. Where a student has identified that they are Trans, and on discussion with them and their parents / carers, they can wear the uniform of their true gender. How your child dresses for school and leaves home says much about them as individuals and they are also ambassadors for The Priory School in the wider community. Specialist items of uniform may be purchased from Beat School Uniforms.

Please click on the link below to download a copy of the current school uniform and PE kit.

School Uniform & PE Kit

Uniform Support

Support for the purchase of school uniforms can be obtained at by completing the form below and returning it to:

Clerk to the Hitchin Educational Foundation
Messrs John Shilcock
99 Bancroft
Herts   SG5 1NQ

If you have any queries, please contact the Finance Department.

Application For Uniform Grants

Mobile Phones

Our policy at The Priory School is that students do not carry their mobile phone during the school day (with the exception of sixth formers), under any circumstances. Whilst we appreciate that mobile phones have the potential to act as useful educational tools, we believe it is in the best interests of students that they do not carry them in school.  As well as potentially providing an unwelcome distraction to learning, we have a safeguarding duty to our young people.

Communication with home

Should your child need to communicate a message home, we have an extensive pastoral support team who will help with this. We are happy to phone and/or email throughout the day or after school hours. Students should seek out a relevant member of staff before school, during break or lunchtime and after school. The member of staff will use their professional judgment in terms of whether a telephone call home is appropriate.

Mobile phones protocols in school

Should you wish for your child to carry a mobile phone while they travel to and from school, the school will support this by securely storing their phone during the day. Students should bring their phone to the Café for collection before registration, placing it in a named bag for easy identification. Phones can then be collected at 3.30pm from the Café.

If a student is found with a phone in their possession during the school day, it will be confiscated and kept in a secure location until a parent or other adult comes to school to collect it. A C2 will be issued to the student, which will result in a one-hour detention after school. In line with the school Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy, when a mobile phone has been confiscated the school has the authority to examine any data or files on the device where there are concerns that an offence has been committed. The school does not need the permission of the student or parent to conduct this search of the mobile phone.

Safe use of phones

With the increasing usage and popularity of mobile phones, it is worth noting a few points of safety. We spend time in school educating the students in appropriate use of their phones and e-safety. However, unfortunately we are also aware of some serious and potentially dangerous misuse. We urge parents to monitor the use of their child’s phone, ensuring they are using age-appropriate apps and websites and remembering that social media profiles are not legal for those under the age of 13. We are also aware that a number of students use their phones, unmonitored, late into the night. This not only potentially exposes them to further inappropriate material, but results in tired and over-stimulated learners. Please contact the school to discuss any concerns you have regarding the safe use of phones.