Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

June 2023 – Information for new starters in September 2023

We have recently sent out information for new starters, which should have arrived home over half term. This information was also sent in the form of an email. If you did not receive either or both of these communications, please contact to inform us, stating your name, contact details and your child’s name.

Within these letters, parents are asked to complete our Essential Information form by 16th June: Information regarding a potential summer activity week is also given in these letters and requires a response if you would like your child to take part.

Our staff are currently touring primary schools to meet Year 6s. We look forward to welcoming Year 6 children on transition day on 13th July and then parents on the same evening.

April 2023

We now have our final lists for the new Year 7 intake for September 2023. We are excited to meet you all this term at our in-person primary visits that begin towards the end of May. This page will be updated every few weeks with links to letters and information that will be emailed home to our new families.

You should receive welcome letters in the coming weeks – please let us know if you haven’t received these and we will check the details we have on file for you.

Note that the Year 6 to Year 7 transition day at TPS will be on Thursday 13th July. Further details regarding this and other events will be posted here and sent home in due course.